Create a strategic plan
that actually works
I’ll work closely with you and your team to facilitate the process and build strategic momentum.
In advance of the planning sessions, I meet individually with planning team members to establish broad boundaries and direction. In the sessions, themselves, we work to align strengths and opportunities, enabling us to focus talent and capital on strategies that present the highest potential for profitable growth. As your facilitator, I make sure that all voices are heard and that the elephants in the room are discussed and vetted. The result is a plan founded in reality that stretches the organization, while earning buy-in and commitment from the entire planning team.
Execution is the critical next step. Each plan strategy is assigned to an accountable strategy leader who reports up to the CEO, with metrics and milestones created to measure each strategy’s success. I meet regularly with the CEO to review the plan, strategies and tactics. And through annual checkups, I help review and update plan assumptions and action items.
Identifying and grooming next generation leadership is a valuable byproduct of the strategic planning process. Key strategy leaders have the opportunity to develop and grow. Work teams created around the strategies generate buy-in and energy around the company’s future and each employee’s potential for growth.
Craig's strategic planning approach and end product (Strategic Plan) is unique. It has allowed us to focus and provides an executable road map to profitable growth. We consider Craig a key member of our team.